Thursday, February 28, 2008

ok, i have an excuse this time...

...i've been sick for like the past week...damn flu...and the one year i don't get a flu shot! just figures...

Monday, February 18, 2008


sorrry for the blatant non-postings.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

the holland lop

Adrian DeCock, of the Netherlands started developing the Holland Lop in 1949. He bred Netherland Dwarfs with French Lops in an attempt to produce a miniature French Lop but instead ended up with what is known today as the Holland lop.
The Hollands were brought to the United States in 1976 by Aleck Brooks III who is the founder of the Holland Lop Rabbit Specialty Club. They were given breed status in the United States in 1979.

Holland Lops are a small loveable bunny who have wide long ears, which hang down near their cheeks. Their bone structure is supposed to look large and massive but they actually have a fine bone structure and they don't weigh that much. They have broad shoulders, deep chests, and short thick legs. Being the smallest lop-eared rabbit, their maximum adult size is 4.0 pounds but for showing they should be about 3.5 lbs.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

cute bunny behavior

ok, revamped myspace completely. you can find it here.

and now, for teh bunneh post...

Friday, February 1, 2008